The Unfound Treasure

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The Fourth Kind

An incredibly unsatisfying alien abduction movie. ..
The Fourth Kind is an incredibly unsatisfying alien abduction movie. Unsatisfying because it has neither an alien or an abduction!
The title comes from categories of alien contact. The beginning of this film is strange. Actress Milla Jovovich walks out in an Alaskan forest to explain that she's going to be playing Dr. Abigail Tyler. Then for the next 10 minutes, we see purportedly real footage of the 'real' Tyler, sometimes in split screen with Milla Jovovich. While that sounds interesting, it really isn't--it's distracting and the people look nothing like who they are playing.
Writer/director Olatunde Osunsanmi is in no hurry to get to that movie--and there's a good reason for that--he has no third act. Milla Jovovich hypnotizes several people who come back speaking Sumerian (the aliens' language of choice), then she and her entire family are abducted off camera and then she's back.
First off, if your expecting to go see a scary movie...don't watch this movie.
Jovovich does the best she can with a hopeless part--knitting her eyebrows and looking pensive. This movie is even slower than Christopher Walken's Communion!
The Fourth Kind starts off on a feeble note. Director Olatunde Osunsanmi puts the colourful background in motion behind Jovovich, and employs the use of ominous-sounding music. This ominous-sounding music seethes in the background of essentially every scene that follows, just to remind us of how unsettling and disturbing it all is. The film puts on the guise of a documentary meshed with dramatic recreations, charting the experiences of Dr. Abigail Tyler in relation to alien abductions.
When it comes time for the big reveal--we never see or meet the aliens! We see a quick shadow and characters tell us what they saw. In one brief scene of Milla Jovovich being experimented on, the film blurs the image. Speaking on behalf of myself and every 14 year old boy in the world, if aliens are gonna experiment on a naked Milla Jovovich, that is NOT the time to go blurry! It doesn't help that the"REAL" footage is slightly more effective than the film itself.
The Fourth Kind is being marketed as the ultimate alien abduction movie--it's not. If you want to see a truly smart and scary alien abduction movie, go rent Robert Lieberman's Fire In The Sky, a creepy account of the Travis Walton case--complete with a horrific flashback sequence. The Fourth Kind is a gimmick in search of a film.
If you wanna watch the movie just watch a preview, there you saw the best parts this movie has to offer, Don't Pay To Watch This Crap!! Two Thumbs Waaaaay Down!

The Fourth Kind
  • There are four kinds of alien encounters. The fourth kind is abduction.
  • Based on the actual case studies.
  • They're coming November 6th
The Fourth Kind
  • "The Fourth Kind," is a reference to scientist J. Allen Hynek's famous categories involving the sightings of UFOs. Close Encounters of the Third Kind also referred to this scale.
  • According to promotional materials from Universal, the film is framed around a psychologist named Abigail Tyler who interviewed traumatized patients in Nome, but Alaska state licensing examiner Jan Mays says she can't find records of an Abigail Tyler ever being licensed in any profession in Alaska. Ron Adler, CEO and director of the Alaska Psychiatric Institute and Denise Dillard, president of the Alaska Psychological Association say they've never heard of Abigail Tyler.


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